Monday, August 9, 2010

Busy day today

But here's a video about how to pluralize the word "octopus".  This is in honor of my friend Dylan's soon-to-be-born baby.

As one cephalopod fan to another . . .


  1. I love it!! I thought I was the only one who said "octopodes" (although I've apparently had the stress on the wrong syllable); I reverse-engineered that one during a 15-week Ancient Greek course in grad school (what was I thinking?), and I've said it ever since, to many odd looks. Turns out I just should have been living in Britian. (This is not news.) Thanks!

  2. Awesome, thought I honestly never knew the word octopodes before that. I always used octopi because it looked closer to the Latin which I'm a trifle more familiar with.

    Though, it reminds me of the plural of box. I know "boxes" is right, but there is a small measure of developers who use "boxen" because of "ox" and "oxen".

    But, I still love cephalopod no matter how many there are.
