Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I've been busy.

It's not much of an excuse, even if it is true.

I've been knitting.

It's a scarf in poor light, but you can kind of see the sparkles.

And another scarf out of this:

I swear it's more yellow and less green in real light.  The scarf is pretty and soft.
I finished a pair of socks.

Seriously, the colors are terrible in these photos.  This is a basic sock made out of Panda Cotton.
I've knitted most of another pair of socks too, but those are at school and I don't have a picture.

Oh yes, and one other thing.

I got engaged last weekend :-)
The love of my life Kevin proposed this past weekend.  In case you're wondering, it's a sapphire.  He's a geologist and I quote, "Diamonds are boring.  They're just carbon."

We are stupid happy, and I've been busy.  Happy November :-)


  1. 'gratz!

    Did you knit the sapphire?

    I'm very happy for you and I wish you the greatest of adventures. *hug*

  2. Hooray!! That's wonderful news - I'm so happy for both of you :) (I'm a fan of both geologists and sapphires, so I think you've done well here.)

    The knitting looks good, too :)
