Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy mother's day to all of you for whom the title is appropriate.  My Munchkin is too young to have much to say about mother's day yet, but she's giving me a molar, so a lot of what she says is hooting in pain and despair about her mouth and/or not being able to talk.  On the other hand, she spent a big chunk of time hiding in the sheer curtain samples at sears yesterday, which is possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen in my whole life.  Of course, as soon as I got out my phone to get some video, she ran away, but that's 1 year olds for you.

My husband gave me some great presents, but they came with a condition.  I had to promise not to sell the Kid on ebay this year, no matter how good the going rate.  He and I were mostly kidding.  Mostly.  Anyway, he got me an ice cream maker, which is an extremely thoughtful gift for someone who can't have dairy or soy.  The store ice cream I like is over $6 for a small container, so I could rarely justify it.  I also got a back pillow for reading in bed and some sunglasses.

Today, we had french toast at home, family snuggle time, ran some errands, and went to the park.  I hope your mother's day is as good as mine has been.

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