Things I am thankful for:
1. Kevin. He makes my life better in so many little ways, and I am still burbling with joy to be marrying him. I love you lots.
2. The rest of my family, both by blood and by choice. I could not live without you and your support. This does not begin to cover the thanks I owe to all of you.
3. My pets. Kitties to cuddle, and ferrets to crawl up my sleeves. Without their love and the laughter they give me, my life would be poorer.
4. My job. It's not perfect, and never will be. However, I love doing it, and it's nice to have something solid and mine in the midst of this crazy year.
5. Knitting. I come back to it again and again. When I'm happy, I knit. When I'm sad, I knit. When I'm lonely, I knit. When I'm bored, I knit. Without you, my hands would twitch and I would be infinitely less stable.
6. The material things. Home, food, heat, water, electric, internet, phone, nice clothes, stash yarn. Taken for granted every day, but would be sorely missed if I could not have them.
7. The little comforts that make the days better. Trader Joe's peppermint Joe-Joes cookies (aka "the crack cookies"), sparkly eyeshadow, excellent loose tea in large quantities.
I hope you are as blessed as I am this Thanksgiving.
What a wonderful list! I think that's very much like my list (especially as I've just discovered those Joe Joe's myself, alas), plus the girls - it's good to have so much to be thankful for, isn't it? Happy Thanksgiving :)