Monday, August 23, 2010

I met some students today.

The kids seem fabulous.  I have some whiney complaints about things, but the fact that the kids are going to be great trumps them all.

I have garden pictures on my phone, but have been too lazy to go get them.  I worked on a sock some today, but have no pictures of that either.  All in all, bad blogger.  But hey, I am not abandoning the attempt, so that's got to be worth something.

Have a link of the importance of pets on human evolution.  It's an interesting thesis, and I do love my furry things, so it's good to have some further justification of their importance.


  1. that article is interesting. i always wonder why moral vegetarians/vegans are totally okay with the domestication, subjugation, and general weird breeding of companion animals....

  2. Hooray for good students! You're right, they're really what makes the whole teaching gig worthwhile. I'll meet mine next week, and I'm looking forward to it.
